Phone Input
A Native Input dedicated to Mobile & Local Phone numbers, includes a beautiful country picker and a native input. Exports the national number, local number & country code for flexible & easier way to validate on the backend.
Preview & Playground 🖼️
Here you may find a preview of the component, with error & possible variants.
🏄 Click to expand the code
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PhoneInput } from '@flavorly/vanilla-components'
import { ref } from 'vue'
const value = ref('+35191523813')
const valueCountry = 'PT'
const value2 = ref('+1915279172')
const value2Country = 'US'
feedback="Im useful helper out here, choose wisely"
:favorite-countries="['PT', 'ES', 'US']"
country-placeholder="Pick your phone country"
phone-placeholder="National Number"
<div class="flex items-center justify-center mx-auto text-center mt-2">
<pre class="text-xs">{{ JSON.stringify(value) }}</pre>
<div class="h-1 my-5" />
<!-- Regular -->
feedback="Im useful helper out here, choose wisely"
errors="Sorry but your phone number looks to be invalid."
country-placeholder="Pick your phone country"
phone-placeholder="National Number"
<div class="flex items-center justify-center mx-auto text-center mt-2">
<pre class="text-xs">{{ JSON.stringify(value2) }}</pre>
Props 📥
Props available for this component extending the default variant & global props.
Prop | Description | Accepted Values | Default |
modelValue | The value for the element | Any , Valid Country ISO Code | undefined |
countryCode | The country code in ISO format | Any , Valid Country ISO Code | undefined |
phonePlaceholder | The placeholder for the phone number input | String | Your national number |
countryPlaceholder | The placeholder for the country input | String | Your country |
favoriteCountries | Array of favorite countries to preload | Array | ['us','gb','pt','fr','de'] |
labelWithDialCode | If you want the label with a dial code | Boolean | false |
labelWithCountryCode | If you want the label with country code | Boolean | false |
searchBoxPlaceholder | Placeholder for the Search Box | string | Search here |
noResultsText | When no results are found, the text to display | string | Sorry... |
searchingText | Text to display while searching | string | Please wait... |
loadingClosedPlaceholder | When loading but dropdown closed | string | Loading please wait... |
loadingMoreResultsText | Text while is pulling for next pages | string | Loading more options... |
minimumInputLengthText | A function or a number with the minimum chars to search | String , Function | 3 |
Slots 🧬
Current slots available for this component are the following:
Slot before
Slot to override or pre-pend to the component before the component, ex: icon, etc.
Attribute | Description | Type |
className | Classes injected | String |
Slot after
Slot to override or append to the component before the component, ex: icon, etc.
Attributes specially injected to the after
slot for some inputs ( Ex: Password )
Attribute | Description | Type |
hasErrors | If the field has errors | Boolean |
type | Type of input | String |
showingPassword | If the password showing is toggled | Boolean |
Slot errors
Slot that holds the error messages when the component errors
prop is defined.
Attribute | Description | Type |
errors | The errors being injected | [String, Array] |
hasErrors | If the field has errors | Boolean |
Slot feedback
Slot that holds the feedback messages when the component feedback
prop is defined. When showing errors the feedback will be hidden by default, and vice-versa.
Attribute | Description | Type |
errors | The errors being injected | [String, Array, Undefined] |
feedback | The feedback message | [String, Undefined] |
Events 🚇
Here you may find the events emitted by this component.
Event | Description | Value |
update:modelValue | When the value changes | any |
| update:countryDialCode
| The country dial code | string
| | update:countryCode
| The ISO country code | string
| | update:phoneNumberNational
| Phone number in national format | string
| | update:phoneNumberInternational
| Phone number in International format | string